Page name: G's pictures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-03-20 18:51:13
Last author: Gwenn*
Owner: Gwenn*
# of watchers: 4
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So, this is my art!
Don't hesitate to comment my drawing, even if you want to criticate it. Thanks!

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She's a fairy crossed with a praying mantis and some other creatures


I've written "Haunting memories"






The Death



Shine on you crazy diamond

This drawing is inspired from the Pink Floyd's song wich has the same name. You can read it in The songs I love.
This is also my entry for the contest Song Styles Part Deux


Translation: So you smoke me and you throw me away?I'm quite dirty now...


faery mended


just a woman


Ambiguous boy done for Ambiguous Contest, so sorry for bad quality...



The Door

G's pictures 2

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2006-03-11 [zazou]: j'espère être la première à commenter!! j'aime beaucoup le "haunting memories" !! Bizzzz

2006-03-11 [zazou]: Et aussi tes p'tites fées!! (surtout la jaune)

2006-03-11 [Gwenn*]: Merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sure you're the first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-03-11 [Gwenn*]: ca me fait trop plaisir! le Hantises, j'allais pas très bien , mais j'étais très inspirée... Gros bisous!

2006-03-12 [~Lady Morgana~]: Man I love french and I like your drawings a lot :D

2006-03-14 [Gwenn*]: Wheee! Thanksssssss!!!! *hugs* snif... I'm really touched...

2006-03-14 [~Lady Morgana~]: Oh you are very welcome *hugs you back* :D

2006-03-17 [Ulaan]: Very nice ^^ i like the one at thetop best

2006-03-17 [Gwenn*]: Thanks! I'm happy because people say she has got a disease...

2006-03-17 [Ulaan]: haha, what disease?

2006-03-19 [Gwenn*]: I don't know... She's just bizar...

2006-03-23 [raynesprite]: I love these pics of yours, my anthros and I salute you ^.^ hehehe :3 lots of detail its really nice

2006-03-23 [Gwenn*]: Thanks... Escuse me but I French and I don't know what means "anthros"... Thanks!

2006-04-19 [lucyl]: je suis désormais une fan inconditionnelle(surtout de la petite fée jaune: magique!)

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